Dedicated to continuing his vision of improving people's lives. He touched those he met, those he taught and those he learned from.
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Statistics for Experimenters - Second EditionGeorge Box, Stuart Hunter and Bill wrote what has become a classic text for experimenters in scientific and business circles, Statistics for Experimenters. More details on the book.Order your copy of Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery, 2nd Edition by George Box, Stuart Hunter and William G. Hunter, 2005. Updated by George Box and Stu Hunter, this new edition of Statistics for Experimenters adopts the same approaches as the landmark First Edition by teaching with examples, readily understood graphics, and the appropriate use of computers. |
William G. Hunter: An Innovator and Catalyst for Quality Improvement by George Box.
Bill founded the ASQC Statistics division. The division presents the Hunter Award to recognize accomplishments in the development and creative application of statistics in problem solving. Previous award recipients include: Tom Nolan, Ronald Snee, Brian Joiner, Bill Hill and Roger Hoerl. Spring 1988 newsletter - Bill Hunter in Memoriam
Read: Doing More With Less in the Public Sector: A Progress Report from Madison, Wisconsin by William G. Hunter, Jan O'Neill, and Carol Wallen, June 1986 (new quality improvement ideas can help public officials combat the effects of decreasing budgets just as they help private businesses increase productivity) and Quality in the Community: One City's Experience, by George Box, Laurel W. Joiner, Sue Rohan and F. Joseph Sensenbrenner, June 1989. The reports highlight the early evolution of the Quality movement in Madison, Wisconsin and the role of the Madison Area Quality Improvement Network.
George Box and Bill co-founded the Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1985. The Center used to develop, advance and communicate quality improvement methods and ideas. Sadly the Center lives on in name only.
Bill was a leader in the effort to adopt the Deming system of Profound Knowledge and related ideas in the Public Sector (He contributed pages 245-7 to Deming's Out of the Crisis; relating how the City of Madison applied Deming's ideas to a public sector organization). The ASQ Government Division grew from his, and others, efforts.
The Annual Hunter Conference on Quality, was named in his honor and run by The Madison Area Quality Improvement Network (MAQIN) from 1987 to 2006.
More articles, by him, and documents available online which reference his work.
The Picture Gallery has pictures of Bill and his family. Photos by Bill.
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Please send any comment or suggestions (including any information you would like to share relating to this site) to John Hunter (I am his son, in case you're wondering).