The Statistics Division of ASQ is pleased to announce that Dr. Bradley Jones is the recipient of the 2021 William G. Hunter Award. The William G. Hunter Award was established by the Statistics Division in 1987 to recognize the many contributions of its founding chair at promoting the use of applied statistics and statistical thinking.
The attributes that characterize Bill Hunter's career- consultant, educator for practitioners, communicator, and integrator of statistical thinking into other disciplines - are used to help decide the recipient.

Dr. Bradley Jones

Dr. Jones is Distinguished Research Fellow at SAS Institute, where he has been a leader in research into design of experiments since 1997. Dr. Jones’ contributions to the field of applied statistics have included his book, “Optimal Design of Experiment: A Case Study Approach”; his paper on alias optimal designs for which he won the Youden Prize; his paper introducing definitive screening designs for which he won both the Brumbaugh and Lloyd S. Nelson awards; and his paper “Split-Plot Designs: What Why, and How” for which he also won the Brumbaugh and Lloyd S. Nelson awards. His consulting work includes collaboration with Novomer on a project that received the ASA Statistics in Chemistry Award. Additionally, he has given numerous seminars publicly, to private companies, and at conferences including twice winning the Shewell Award for best presentation at the Fall Technical Conference.

Dr. Jones received a BA in Music from the University of Cincinnati, an MS in Statistics from Florida State University, and a PhD in Applied Economic Science from the University of Antwerp. He has served as Editor-in Chief of the Journal of Quality Technology and Associate Editor of Technometrics and Quality Engineering. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and a senior member of ASQ.